The Heart Needs Vitamins O, G And U: Care, Charity And Countless Hugs

The heart needs vitamins O, G and U: care, charity and countless hugs

The heart needs nourishment, and while it may sound like a clichĂ©, I know that my heart, more than anything else, needs vitamins. It’s not just any vitamins, but exactly vitamins O, G and U. Put another way, I need care, charity and countless hugs.

When it comes to people, I do not think there is anyone in the world who does not need this. The emotions that invade us are nurtured by direct contact with others. They fill us when they come in the name of love. They are as necessary as breathing.

Any kind of love will always include these three vitamins. In fact, if you think of someone who does not have these in their life, then you are probably not talking about love. But about something that might look like it, but never get to complete someone, as genuine, shared feelings would do.

Vitamin O: sincere care

One of the most important vitamins we need is a small dose of care. Care and tenderness can give life in different ways:  a loving touch, a smile, a few encouraging words…

Caring for others makes us happy and makes us feel loved. Therefore, it is indispensable for your body. This expression of care and recognition helps us to see ourselves as being something special among the crowd. It gives us enough vitality not to give in to adversity.

Our personality is given new life by receiving care because we find value in ourselves. We feel valued and filled with confidence. This vitamin is a balm for our self-esteem, whether we show it to others or they show it to us. In fact, it is found in the air around us.

Vitamin G: compensation directly from the heart

As with vitamin O, vitamin G is essential. This vitamin comes from people who practice being a good human being. When the body is surrounded by kind-hearted people, then they also make ours more generous, making it strike more courageously.

A nice person has a pleasant and compassionate effect on us. They are willing to help without asking for anything in return. They are friendly and generous. I easily fall in love with empathetic people who show charity.

They make me a better person and therefore I see that I love and appreciate them in my life. I always choose them as my source of learning and they help me grow every day.

Vitamin U: countless hugs

But vitamins O and G would be worthless if we did not have what we all need: namely, what we absorb through hugs. Yes, that which puts even the most destroyed parts of the soul back together and makes us whole again. That way we are never completely destroyed. You already know the type: they are the ones who make you feel warmer or less alone because they accompany and comfort you.

I am constantly looking for this type of hug, dense and endless, as the most valuable are spontaneous and sometimes shy. I’m sure neither you nor I want planned hugs, no matter how wonderful they may seem on a superficial level.

The beautiful part is how we feel when we receive them. They are  vitamins that give us many health benefits. For example, they improve our mood, raise sereton levels in our body, relax our muscles, lower our blood pressure, counteract nervous tension, and so on.

Because of all this, do not forget to notice the diet your heart is getting. It is true that we need a lot of other things to move forward in love. But if the soul dies, then everything else is worthless. We should try to give it the right vitamins so that it will never happen.

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