Today I Choose To Prioritize Joy

Today, I choose to prioritize joy

Today, I choose to be a little more aware of myself, to take care of my inner garden of happiness, not to fall victim to the selfishness of others. I want my days to be free from dark moments; I want the suns of joy to shine. I choose to prioritize joy.

We all want to be happy , but in reality we do not always start on the right path. It involves taking care of ourselves, listening to ourselves and being the main characters in the games of our lives. Instead of sitting behind the curtain where life passes us by and neglects to embrace us.

You deserve to be happy. You deserve to touch the moon on dark nights to fly through the clouds when you feel trapped and anxious. You are the love of your life. Therefore, today and always you should choose to be the leading actor in your life.

No one should call you selfish to say “no” when you need it, to seek oxygen and freedom in times of pressure, to bond with the people who have hurt you. No one has power over you except yourself. For we all arrive in this world alone. We will all leave it the same way. So why not start now and prioritize joy?

Happiness is an adventure that will last forever

Woman dressed in white mare with white cat

Prioritizing joy is the first leap that brings you closer to your goals. For the one who makes that choice will make their thoughts a reality in everyday life.

The art of being happy starts with a simple decision: believing in yourself.

But to be happy, it’s more than just a simple decision. It sometimes involves prioritizing and realizing that maybe we should put ourselves before certain things and situations. That sounds radical. But in reality, it is about maintaining a balance between other people and ourselves. To do this, consider the following:

Surround yourself with people who bring you light, to prioritize joy

Like we said before, the key is in balance. You should be okay with yourself before taking care of anything else. You need to make sure that everything you do matches your expectations, identity and essence.

There are people who make us lose our inner balance: they distance us from our values. They violate our integrity. They drain our energy. They manipulate us with sarcasm and demands and give us love surrounded by thorns.

Surround yourself with authentic people who always let you be yourself. But throughout our lives, we meet people who do not fit perfectly with who we are and what we need. In that kind of relationship, whether it’s with a family member or a colleague, you can not give them authority over your life. Limit the amount of control they have. Do not let the people who are disturbing you influence you, and once again, prioritize yourself first.

Wolf howls at night against the starry sky

Be yourself and get rid of everything you do not need

When was the last time you had a conversation with your true self?  You should experience the inner dialogue more often. Because if you remove yourself from it, you remove yourself from the essence. Thus, you lose happiness.

Dear I, you deserve to be treated better. That’s something I have to do from now on. I stop pampering you and tell you that you can not do it or that you do not deserve it. Dear I, today I have to challenge you to be happy.

There are many artifacts that we hide behind. And beware. For the extra layers that suffocate you come from the environment, but also from yourself.

You need to be careful with the limiting attitudes where you label yourself with phrases like “I can not do this”, “it’s not for me”, “I will fail” or “I will never find happiness.”

If your mindset sets up walls and your attitudes create barriers, you will never let the winds of happiness in. Be authentic. Be yourself. Take care of your inner self and release it.

You also need to be wary of external influences that sometimes diminish your self-esteem. For example , partners who try to control you may limit you, take you away from your personal space, and inhibit your personal growth.

Nor can we overlook the burden of particular families, the authoritarian models of child rearing, the fathers and mothers who construct real bubbles that hamper their maturation and their freedom.

Sometimes to be happy, you have to go on an inner journey to heal the wounds of your past. Once you have freed yourself from your fears, it is time to open your heart’s eyes and believe that you truly deserve to be happy. You will have to prioritize joy.

Do not wait for the good times to come to make you happy; be happy, then the good times will come by themselves.

Person sits on cliff edge and forgets to prioritize joy

Photos by Abigail Dela, Pascal Campion and Devianart Jenny White

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