What Do Politicians Say About Non-verbal Communication?

What do politicians say about non-verbal communication?

Many of the most popular politicians use separate verbal language. They use it most to communicate with their followers. When it comes to mass communication , hand gestures and non-verbal communication can actually have a much greater effect than the words themselves.

Politicians point fingers as part of non-verbal communication

Large numbers of people do not have a high concentration ability when listening to politicians. They capture the overall message of the word. They mostly focus on the messages that are boiled down to slogans. On the other hand, the image of the leader has a great influence. The communication specialists for each party are very careful about this. The way the politician dresses, their tone, facial expressions, everything counts. Even their hand movements lead to a particular perception of them.

“The darker the wishes of a politician, the more pompous the quality of his language in general becomes.”
–Aldous Huxley–

Politics is becoming more and more mixed with entertainment. Television debates have been crucial factors in elections in many countries. The media has almost never had such a big impact on the number of votes . And most citizens cling to traditions and emotions when it comes to participating in their country’s politics.

Researchers identified seven movements that are common among politicians who manage to gain the people’s sympathy. These ways are also found in other kinds of leaders, such as business people, managers or TV “influencers”. They have also found out other movements that reveal hidden messages. We tell you about them below.

Obama uses non-verbal communication

The 7 effective types of non-verbal communication that politicians use

People subconsciously associate people who use certain types of non-verbal communication with a sense that they are powerful. This, of course, applies to the political leaders. Some politicians do it naturally, but others have to practice until they do it naturally. Here are the types of non-verbal communication that these people use:

  • They do not frown. A relaxed forehead shows command and control of the situation. It gives a sense of confidence and security. On the other hand, a wrinkled forehead shows signs of tension and discomfort.
  • They look right into people’s eyes. Or right into the camera, which is the same thing when it comes to TV. People are more likely to believe people who look them in the eye.
  • Calm and rhythmic breathing. This is a sign of self-control and conviction of what they are saying. That means they do not stumble over their words or become breathless. This indicates that they have a “cool head” or are “thoughtful” and intelligent.
  • Relaxed hands and fingers. Contrary to what many people may think, clenched fists, pointing fingers and other similar movements are lack of confidence. Relaxed hands, however, indicate intimacy and warmth.
  • Not to be restless with their legs and feet. This sends messages about strength, security and that they are straightforward.
  • Not to touch their face. When people see someone touching their face while giving a speech, they interpret it as if that person is lying or feeling confused.
  • A measured and balanced greeting. People talk about how trustworthy leaders always give a friendly nod to everyone. If they are in front of many people, they look in all directions and wave.

What people expect from their political leaders today is a kind of protective, trustworthy friend. It is the same with business leaders or anyone who has leadership and a position of power.

Other revealing movements

Politicians and leaders always create a visual impact with their presence. It is their first act in communication with their followers. With the visual effect , there are four areas that have a big impact: facial expressions, body language, clothing and cleanliness. All these elements are part of non-verbal communication and create an “impression”. That is, they leave a mark on our perception.

Two politicians use non-verbal communication

When there is a hidden message, there are elements of non-verbal communication that reveal it. Here are some of them:

  • Excessive blinking. Neurologically, this says that the person is thinking of some way out because they feel trapped. It is a common gesture for politicians to talk about a topic they are not comfortable with.
  • Tensions in the jaw muscles. This manifests as problems with vocalization, or as excessive stiffness in the lower part of their face. And it has to do with the people who are afraid that others will find out what they think or feel about something.
  • Pause for a second to breathe. This is a gesture that reveals the dishonest politicians. It means a conflict between what they say and what they mean. Poker players do this to try to guess the other person’s “hand”.

Politicians are using the psychology of the people more and more to be able to influence their opinions. It is a subtle weapon, but it is very effective. Humans sometimes use non-verbal communication as a communication tool and other times as a way of manipulating . By knowing how to interpret the leader’s body language, you are better able to control the influence they may have over you.

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