Why Do We Go After The Dangerous People?

When love blinds us, it can be quite dangerous for us!
Why do we go after the dangerous people?

We must not accept any kind of conditional love that is spun into rejections and abuse. We go after the dangerous people when we do not love and respect ourselves.

If we leave our self-esteem in the hands of people who like to control us and exercise their power over us, we may end up feeling as if we want it back. It is honestly and fairly a clear sign that we lack self-respect. Our self-image should not be affected by what others think of us.

True love is nothing but the eternal desire to help others and show our authenticity. Going after the wrong people means moving away from who we really are to find someone else. Basically, we forget who we are to a certain extent and think only of the others.

If we are in a relationship and find that our partner is not holding back from hurting us, we find that they do not care as much about us as we would like. This happens because love makes us blind. We reach a point where we are unable to tell that we are in a relationship with a dangerous human being. A human being who loves to exploit us for his own pleasure.

woman with tears

You do not have to go after the dangerous people

If it is true love, our attention to our partner is something that comes from the heart. Now, that does not mean we should not worry if it is not reciprocal, because reciprocity is important. If we notice that our partner is constantly hurting us, there is nothing to do but get it stopped.

If your partner treats you badly all the time, ask yourself if this person is so good to you now as well. Why be with someone who does not make you feel comfortable?

The answer to this question is more urgent than ever because it will help you to find out if you want to be with that person forever.

The hard goodbye

It can be painful to say goodbye to someone you love, even if they are not good for us. This is perfectly normal. It is okay to have mixed feelings and pain. Especially when it dawns on you that you will not get to kiss your partner again.

But the lack of kisses can save you from others with a more bitter taste. After all, it is the way forward to remove you from the dangerous people in your life. It will make you happier.

Dangerous people are hard to find out because they play with our emotions and drive us into a lot of doubt about ourselves. If our partner constantly hurts us, we may end up feeling like strangers to ourselves.

Being abused becomes the norm, which we must never allow. We are the only ones who can put an end to our pain in the heart. Do not forget that love begins with loving oneself.

woman sews a broken heart

Obsession, fear of being alone, hope or sacrifice?

Remember that a relationship can always end at all times. It can be very difficult in the beginning. But the only way you can overcome your pain is by accepting that it is now over. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible for you to manage the situation appropriately and your pain will shift to obsession, fear, hope or sacrifice.

Some psychologists have argued that heartache can be more painful than grief. According to this theory, grief ends with an acceptance. But if one of the parties cannot accept a fracture, their pain can bring them all the way out where it can never heal again.

Obsession, excessive fear of being alone, and sacrifice show that you adore the other person and do not love yourself.

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